Adrunio Pachinko Counters

The following information is provided to build or develop your own pachinko counter based upon the Arduino MEGA platform.

The custom plastic face plate and wood housing do not have to be used but are available here and from other sources.

This whole page and the idea of the counter comes courtesy of our friend Carl. It was his idea how to make pachinko more interesting by challenging your friends to see who got a better score. The best part is this counter can be applied to almost any type of pachinko machine.

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Some files to review:

You can find all the files here in this one download but look below to know what each file does.

All files download


A manual on how the game works and ways to adjust the coding.

Documentation document counter/Ardunio counter all

Component list:

Includes a full list and where to buy parts. Also, a picture of all parts is shown at the bottom of this page.

Component document

Component video link:

Source Code (Shield 11)

This is a zip file with the folder structure set up for the Arduino interface.

Source code download

Source Code (Shield 11 – China Man Power Flash Version)

This version uses a dual relay add on board to control a “joker” wire and a “cheat” button.

This is a zip file with the folder structure set up for the Arduino interface.

Power Flash source code download

Joker wire video link:

Additional libraries are required to compile the source code; this zip file contains the additional library files utilized for the original compilation. These folders should be placed in the Arduino libraries folder similar to other library files.

Library download

The PCB can be ordered from many sources:

This is a zip file with the source code to order the PCB from seeedstudio.

PCB zip file download

And instructions on how to order from seeedstudio:

Instructions document

One can make their own cables, or order here or from other sources.

These are sketches of the custom cables used for the shield.

Cable sketches document

Miscellaneous files:

Miscellaneous files download

Components needed.

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